Ter Bagrat David and his family lived in the Parsonage from the late 1930s until the late 1940s.
The Parsonage during Ter Bagrat’s time
Ter Bagrat and family. Tighoui his wife and their two children, Nellie and Aris. At the back is Ter Bagrat’s nephew, Ruben David.
Mr. Martin comments: “Aris David was a very good friend we were at the Armenian College together. We jointly won the athletes championship in Armenian College. Aris’s father was the priest in Dhaka church, later he was transferred to Calcutta church and then on Madras church. Aris David was a trainer in horse racing. Aris and I He would meet regularly in Calcutta.”
Ter Bagrat+Tighoui hosting a private family event
Ter Bagrat, Aris, Tighoui and Nellie family dinner in the Parsonage
The Family Bearers
Nellie playing the organ in the Parsonage
Emily Apcar in the garden of the Parsonage
Nellie on the steps of the Parsonage
Nellie on the steps of the Parsonage
Tighoui, Nellie and Ter Bagrat on the steps of the Parsonage
Nellie David and her cousin Ruben David
Nellie David in the grounds of the church
Ruben and Nellie in the garden of the church
Tighoui and Nellie in the garden of the Parsonage
Tighoui and Nellie in the garden of the Parsonage
Nellie David on her bike in grounds of church
Ruben David and friends
Ruben David, Ter Bagrat, Nellie and others in the grounds of the Church
Ruben David with Aris + Nellie David on steps of parsonage
Ruben David holding some fruit
Ruben David standing in the church garden
Haikanoush Martin, Tighoui, Ter Bagrat, Nellie David and Ruben David
Mr Michael Martin and his family lived in the Parsonage from the mid 1980s onwards.
The Martin family outside the Parsonage
Visitors to the Martin family home. L-R: Angela, Eleanor Martin, Cynthia John nee Martin (Mr. Martin’s sister), Polish ambassador Román Lusakowski, a couple from Syria, Elias and Nadwa. He was sent by the U.N. to train persona in the cooking and confectionery line. Far right Christine Martin
Visitors to the Martin family home in the parsonage are the Polish Ambassador and his son, and George Ray, a friend of Mr. Martin.
Russian Ambassador posing with Mr. Martin’s rifle. Also seen here with Mr. Martin and Angela Sarkissian
The Russian Ambassaor Igor Sarkission was a familar face at the home of Mr. Martin and his family. Seen here making kebabs.
Mr. Martin and the Russian Ambassador Igor Sarkissian, behind the Ambassador is Kirk or Kasparian from Kuwait and Sergei Sarkissian.
Mr and Mrs Martin were the Godparents for Igor, Angela and Sergei Sarkissian who were baptized at the Dhaka church by Agha Baliosian
The Parsonage house
The steps of the Parsonage
Mr. Martin in the grounds of the Church
Mr. Martin, The Russian Ambassador Igor Sarkissian and Mr. Martin’s son-in-law Robert Simonian.
The Russian Ambassador Igor Sarkissian was a regular visitor to the Church and became good friends with Mr. Martin
Russian Ambassador Igor Sarkissian and his wife Angela
Christin Martin’s engagement party took place inside the Parsonage
Christin Martin’s engagement party took place inside the Parsonage
After the baptism of Mr. Martin’s grandson Mikhail
Christin Martin and Archbishop Baliosian
Mr Martin’s three daughters, Christine Martin, Eleanor Martin and Cheryl Martin
Mr. Martin kept a herb and vegetable garden in the grounds of the Church
Mr. Martin’s father, Joseph Abraham Martin in the grounds of the Church.
Christine says: “This is the monkey that used to visit us everyday and we used to feed him fruits from the trees and bread. He loved dad the most😊. His name was Madhu.”
Veronica Martin
Mr. Michael Martin as a young man