Looking Forward, Remembering Our Past

Category: News

Mr. Michael Martin

It is with the utmost regret and deepest sadness that we must inform you of the passing away today of Mr. Michael Martin the late caretaker of the Armenian Church in Dhaka. He was 89 years of age.

It was only a few years ago Mr. Martin had retired to Canada to spend more time with his family. A devoted family-man he particularly enjoyed being with his grandchildren.

Mr. Martin was instrumental in maintaining the survival of the Armenian Church in Dhaka. Without the many personal sacrifices and complete devotion to the church, the premises and the history of the Armenians in Dhaka, would not have survived today. He and his family spearheaded what can only be described as a monumental effort to preserve our beautiful church, and it is something that will never be forgotten.

You may wish to take some time to read Mr. Martin’s life story, written in his own words http://armenianchurchbangladesh.com/…/mr-martin-in-his-own…/

Our condolences are extended to Mr. Martin’s family and in particular his daughters, Eleanor, Christine and Cheryl.

Armen Arslanian
Warden, Armenian Church, Dhaka

Christmas Service 10 January 2020

A Christmas Mass was held by The Church of Bangladesh hosted at the Armenian Church Dhaka on Friday 10th January. It was so nice to see the church full with many people from different faiths attending, as well as local Christians. The service was conducted by Reverend Simpson Mazumdar, assisted by Father Franco, Father Brice and Brother Guillaume respectively.


Christmas Mass January 2020

We are delighted to announce there will be a Christmas Mass conducted at the  Armenian Church, Dhaka on Friday 10th January 2020 at 4pm.

Please note this is NOT an Armenian service.

The service will be undertaken by the Church of Bangladesh led by Reverend Simson Mazumdar, and assisted by Father Franko, Father Brice, and Brother Guillaume respectively.

If you are in the Dhaka area, please do join in this very special occasion.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

AGBU Magazine August 2019 – Features Armenians in Asia

We are very excited about the latest Armenian General Benevolent Union’s August 2019 magazine. The issue focuses on Armenians in Asia, including our very own Church here in Dhaka on page 20 This downloadable pdf is a must for anyone with an interest in Armenians in Asia.

Page 06  –  The Asia Effect
Page 14   –  All Roads Lead Back to New Julfa
Page 19   –  Soft Diplomacy
Page 20   –  Bangladesh: Brethren of Bangladesh
Page 24   –  Hong Kong: Rise and Shine
Page 26   –  South Korea: Seoul Search
Page 30   –  India: The Kolkata Connection
Page 32   –  Singapore: A showcase in Singapore
Page 34   –  Puzzle Pieces to the Past
Page 38   –  Branching Out
Page 48   –  The Roots of Positive Self-Image

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